Welcome to my industrial design blog! - how did I get into this profession?

1 Resource & 2 Tips

Hi everyone! Welcome to my new blog. I always have so much that I’m thinking about, and I want to let the world in and grow some community. I love seeing how design impacts every area of our lives, even in ways nobody expects or knows about. That's why industrial design in particular is so special to me, because the modern age of commercial manufacturing has created a society where factors such as materiality, color and design intent, unknowingly shape so much of our daily experience. 

Recently during my trip to Boston, I had a lot of time standing around not doing much while my party was taking lots of photos. During this time, I came up with the initial ideas for this blog. I hope that those reading this will develop a better understanding of the world around us and encourage you to be inquisitive while you explore our planet.

When I came to college, it was actually as a forensic science student. I always loved science but found the classes I had to take at NJIT for this major to be very much not my vibe. Unsure of what would happen next, I began to explore the other degree offerings that NJIT offered. I always had an interest in graphic design, but wanted to get my education in skills that were beyond my current scope since I had already been using photoshop for a while. Once I came across the Hillier College of Architecture and Design (my college’s specific design school), things immediately made a lot more sense. The options were architecture, interior, digital or industrial design. Before this, I honestly didn't even know what product design was. Seeing that Industrial design was a combination of art, business, psychology, science and much more immediately caught my attention and was something I resonated with. It was so crazy to me how I had never even heard of this field until that point. The classes I would end up taking as part of this program were honestly super cool and taught me what felt like the blueprint for life / society. Learning how humans have come to hold our values and beliefs and how / why we engage with the world in the ways that we do.

1 Resource: SQUARESPACE! I know there’s better web solutions out there for different purposes, but for something like this where I’m building and updating a website, Squarespace is such an easy catch-all. It isn't the cheapest and it isn't the most expensive, but the ease of use is well worth it for those starting out.

2 Tips:

Observe the Everyday: Every moment is filled with inspiration. Our ordinary is the result of so much advancement as a species, and there always is something to marvel at

Pivot When Needed: Change is the only constant in life, and learning how to ebb and flow with the water is critical. If something isn’t for you, remember it doesn’t need to last forever and you deserve a happy and fulfilling life.


Mini Post - Lasercut Metal & LEDs